Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week Seven: Minnesota on YouTube

This video, which is over five minutes in length, shows individual MN State Fair-goers announcing what kind of food "on a stick" they've chosen to eat. It's shot after shot of the same thing. Toward the end of the video, German sounding music begins to play in the background.

This video got me thinking about whether there is such a thing as a "Minnesota consciousness." The content of this video was familiar to me because I grew up in Minnesota, and have seen similar shots of State Fair-goers on the local news for years. It also made sense to me to hear the German music because that is the heritage of many Minnesotans. The comments other YouTube users left on this video seems to suggest that this is a uniquely Minnesotan experience. One says "lol, only in Minnesota." The representation of Minnesotans this filmmaker chose to use is familiar to those "inside."However, would this content be completely foreign, even odd, to viewers outside of Minnesota? How does this video make us look to those "outside"?


pete said...

This reminds me why I haven't been the Minnesota State Fair for over 25 years.

Joe - Wednesday's Child said...

Me too, either. BUT, this is an important, if not vital theme for media literacy. The human consciousness is now "global" because of the media. However (and I'd like Pete to weigh in on this one), I believe that our brains have evolved only to the point where we can actually comprehend the world in terms of our local experiences and the personal priorities (aka, values) that those experiences shape.

Then there's the matter of natural and unnatural resources (fried Twinkies on a stick), which our increasing global population has already begun to fight over. The local news will soon be the most important source of information available, and the only segment anyone will really care about.